[0 p _____ _______ _______ ____ ______ _______ _____ _______ \___ \ _X_____/_X_____/ \ / \____ \ _X____ / /\___ \ //\_// / ___/_/ / / \__ \ \/ / //\ / // \__ V /\/ \/ / / / / ___ / / /\ _/ \ \ / // / / // /\__/ / X / / / / X_// \ \ / / V \ \ / // / / // / / / / / / / / _ \ / // _\___/\ /\__/ /\/ // _\__/ // _\___/\ / / / / / / \//_/ \/ \//_____/ \____/\/\/ \//____/ \//_____/ \_/ \/ \/ - ISSUE 4 on 09/10/93 - © Safe Hex International! 33mPress: F1 to read Resident Issue 4 F2 to play the adv. Zero's Quest Some last minutes notes: OPTIONS gadget on lower bar means QUIT! Because Alex didn't have an IFF converter :-> The ADL package is not included because the lack of it. (cryptic?) Now select an option....... [ p